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In which country was Lego invented?
Which was invented first?
Light bulb | Telephone
Who was the French physicist who, in 1852, invented the gyroscope?
Henri Becquerel | Louis de Broglie | Gabriel Lippmann | Léon Foucault
In which century did the United States of America begin using decimalised currency?
1600s | 1700s | 1900s | 1800s
In which century was Martin Luther born?
14th | 17th | 15th | 16th
Which 20th-century English poet has the middle name "Chawner"?
Ted Hughes | Rupert Brooke | Wystan Auden | Seamus Heaney
What was John Tradescant one of the first to collect specimens of in the early 17th century?
Birds | Plants | Insects | Fossils
Who is the only female scientist to have been awarded Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields in the early 20th century?
Barbara McClintock | Marie Curie | Dorothy Hodgkin | Rosalind Franklin
Who is the author of the 19th-century novel "Daniel Deronda"?
George Eliot | Charles Dickens | Thomas Hardy | Jane Austen