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What Latin term means "under judicial consideration"?
Does ante mean before or after?
After | Before
What does the German word Tür mean?
The name hamster comes from the German word Hamsterer, but what does the word mean?
In US military slang, what does 'Charley' mean?
Viet Cong | Sniper | Tank | Helicopter
What does the name of the pasta capelli d'angelo mean?
Small ears | Little rings | Little worms | Angel's hair
Which fruit has the Latin name Ficus carica?
Which reptile has the Latin name Pogona?
Corn Snake | Bearded Dragon | Royal Python | Gargoyle Gecko
What do the letters HB on a pencil mean?
If it is noon at GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), what is the local time in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?
7:00 PM | 5:00 PM | 9:00 PM | 6:00 PM