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The Chinese zodiac year of 2012 is represented by which animal?
Horse | Dragon | Tiger | Rabbit
How many animals are there in the Chinese Zodiac?
In Western Astrology, what is the last zodiac sign of the astrological year?
Which fruit is also known as the Chinese Gooseberry?
In the 2021 album “Medicine at Midnight”, which US rock band is credited?
Pearl Jam | Foo Fighters | Red Hot Chili Peppers | Green Day
Who was the UK 2021 winner of The Masked Singer?
Who became Countdown's first regular female host in 2021?
Susie Dent | Anne Robinson | Carol Vorderman | Rachel Riley
Which sign of the Zodiac falls in the months of April and May?
Which sign of the Zodiac is depicted by two fishes?
From which animal is beef produced?
Sheep | Goat | Cow | Pig