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What is the name for the imaginary line around the middle of the Earth?
What is the middle name of cricketer W. G. Grace?
What was Elvis Presley's middle name?
In Friends, what was Chandler's middle name?
What is the middle name of actress Joan Collins?
Henrietta | Marianne | Elizabeth | Rosalind
Which 20th-century English poet has the middle name "Chawner"?
Wystan Auden | Rupert Brooke | Ted Hughes | Seamus Heaney
What is the character name of Sean Connery's most famous role?
What is the name of the 'Toy Story' character voiced by Kelsey Grammer?
Stinky Pete | Stenchy Phil | Smelly Paul
What was the alternate name for the character Princess Diana of Paradise Island?
Wonder Woman | Black Widow | Supergirl | Batgirl
What's the name of the main character in "Kung Fu Panda"?
Tai Lung | Mantis | Shifu | Po