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On what day of the week does the UK "Prime Minister's Question Time" usually take place?
In what year did the Battle of Gettysburg take place?
1867 | 1863 | 1865 | 1861
In which city did the 2008 Olympic Games take place?
In which year did the Battle of Agincourt take place?
1415 | 1615 | 1515 | 1315
On what day of the week are U.S. Elections held?
Thursday | Wednesday | Tuesday | Monday
Who ran for the Democrats against Donald Trump in the 2020 USA presidential elections?
At which battle did the Sioux defeat General Cluster?
Battle of Slim Buttes | Battle of the Rosebud | Battle of the Little Bighorn
Which Roman general invaded Britain in 55 BC?
Which Roman general conquered Brittany in 56 BC?
Augustus Caesar | Nero | Mark Antony | Julius Caesar
What would pressing Alt+F4 usually do on a computer running a Windows operating system?
Maximise application window | Minimise application window | Resize application window | Close application