Try our Word Search Maker!
Which game is played on a board marked with 12 triangles along each side?
Which cheese is used in a traditional tiramisu?
Mascarpone | Cheddar | Feta | Gorgonzola
What traditional Scottish biscuit comes in forms including fingers, rounds, and petticoat tails?
Oatcake | Gingerbread | Shortbread | Digestive
What is the French for "false step", often used in English as a term for a blunder?
What word is often abbreviated to panto?
Which animal is often mistakenly thought to howl at the full moon?
How often do UK general elections usually take place?
Every 5 years | Every 2 years | Every 4 years | Every 3 years
What is the current geological epoch often referred to as?
Mesozoic | Anthropocene | Pleistocene | Cretaceous
Agar-agar, often used in cooking, is derived from what source?
Animals | Seaweed | Plants | Fungi