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What is the approximate distance between London and Dublin?
500 miles | 300 miles | 400 miles | 200 miles
What did Isambard Kingdom Brunel build between London and Bristol?
Motorway | Railway | Canal
What is the approximate orbital speed of the Earth as it orbits the Sun?
67,000 mph | 18,000 mph | 102,000 mph | 3,000 mph
In which city would you find the John F. Kennedy international airport?
Washington | New York | San Francisco | Los Angeles
Which US city does Logan international airport serve?
Which 2004 film saw Tom Hanks stranded at JKF Airport?
The international airport with the code "LUX" is located in which European nation?
The Channel Tunnel forms an under-sea link between England and which other country?
A solar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun. True or False?
True | False
In music, what is the common name for a male singing voice that falls between tenor and bass?