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Orange pekoe, Lapsang Souchong and Oolong are all types of what?
What do the stripes on the US flag symbolise?
Years of independence | The original thirteen colonies | Fifty current states | Revolutionary battles
In which book and television series does the character Joffrey Baratheon appear?
Which sports program had "Black and White Rag" as its theme tune?
Pot Black | A Question of Sport | Sportsnight | Match of the Day
In which TV series did the character ARP Warden Hodges appear?
In what series of books does the character Aslan the lion appear?
The Lord of the Rings | Narnia | The Hunger Games | Twilight
'Dolly Clothes-peg' is a character in what TV series?
Button Moon | Worzel Gummidge | Teletubbies | Blue Peter
Who is the character known as the red engine in the series "Thomas the Tank Engine"?
Percy | Gordon | Henry | James
In which month is America's big shopping day, Black Friday?
Which breed of dog is characterised by its black or brown spots?