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What is 1/6 as a percentage to two decimal places?
12.50% | 16.67% | 14.29% | 18.18%
Name one of the countries which is home to Victoria Falls, one of the world's largest waterfalls
Whose slogan was "All for one, one for all"?
The Avengers | The Justice League | The Knights Templar | The Three Musketeers
What was the first Liverpool group to have a Number One single in the UK?
Gerry and the Pacemakers | The Searchers | The Beatles
Approximately how long does it take the Moon to complete one orbit around the Earth?
14 days | 29 days | 35 days | 24 days
Which Womble has the same name as one of the Channel Islands?
Which of these books is NOT one of the Twilight series?
Moonrise | Eclipse | New Moon | Breaking Dawn
Which is the only US state to border one other state?
Which driver won the F1 world title in 1982 despite winning only one race?