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To which king was Sir Joshua Reynolds the Principal Painter?
Which movement drew up a charter in 1838 demanding Parliamentary reform?
Which of these artists was a member of the Post-Impressionism movement?
Van Gogh | Van Eyck | Van Dyck | Van Aken
Which artistic movement was initiated by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque?
Cubism | Abstract Expressionism | Surrealism | Impressionism
In which nation did the Impressionist art movement originate?
Italy | France | Spain | Germany
Who became UK Poet Laureate in 2009?
Will Self | Carol Ann Duffy | Andrew Motion | Ted Hughes
Which poet wrote The Waste Land?
Which poet received a peerage in 1884?
Which poet wrote the words "Oh, to be in England now that April's there"?
Which 20th-century English poet has the middle name "Chawner"?
Wystan Auden | Rupert Brooke | Ted Hughes | Seamus Heaney