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In which decade were the Dead Sea Scrolls found?
1920s | 1910s | 1940s | 1930s
More than half Earth's population live in Asia. True or false?
False | True
Snakes have eyelids. True or false?
False | True
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. True or False?
False | True
A solar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun. True or False?
True | False
A web address beginning with http:// is an encrypted server connection. True or false?
True | False
Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites orbit the Earth in a geosynchronous orbit. True or false?
True | False
Mardi Gras is also known as Fat Wednesday. True or false?
False | True
In chess, when a pawn reaches the eighth rank it may be promoted to a King. True or False?
False | True
A dolphin is a fish. True or false?
True | False