Try our Word Search Maker!
In which city were the 1940 Olympics initially scheduled to be held before they were eventually cancelled due to World War II?
Tokyo | Helsinki | London | Berlin
Whose effigy is burned on bonfires in England on November 5th?
The Act of Union was passed in whose reign?
James I | Queen Anne | Elizabeth I
Whose slogan was "All for one, one for all"?
The Knights Templar | The Three Musketeers | The Justice League | The Avengers
What is the main ingredient in risotto?
Couscous | Rice | Pasta | Noodles
What is the main religion in India?
Buddhism | Hinduism | Sikhism | Islam
What is the main type of acid found in acid rain?
Nitric acid | Ethanoic acid | Sulphuric acid | Hydrochloric acid
What is the main ingredient in the Indian dish, dahl?
Which of these nutrients forms the main component of muscle in the body?
Protein | Iron | Vitamins | Carbohydrates
The leaves of which plant are the main ingredient of absinthe?
Sage | Mint | Basil | Wormwood