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Name ONE country in which you might go ski-ing in the Alps
Which female vocalist had a Top Ten hit in 1997 with the song You Might Need Somebody?
In which animated TV series might you find Norville Rogers?
What animal might you associate a mahout with?
In which part of the body might you suffer from anisocoria?
Lungs | Brain | Heart | Eyes
Which of these might you dip into a soft-boiled egg?
Soldiers | Generals | Officers | Cadets
Approximately how long does it take the Moon to complete one orbit around the Earth?
14 days | 35 days | 24 days | 29 days
In what year did the Battle of Gettysburg take place?
1861 | 1865 | 1863 | 1867
Which Take That band member had solo success with Child in 1996?