Q. In music, what is four-four time also known as?

Ditloid Quiz #203 - P 10 by T B S

Ditloids are word puzzles that can be solved from a series of numbers and abbreviated letters in a clue. Common words are given for you. The name 'ditloid' was given by the Daily Express newspaper, originating from the clue: 1 = DitLoID ≡ 1 Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. A series of clues are available to registered users 48 hours after first viewing each ditloid but using a clue carries a points penalty! Get started by entering your guess into the ditloid solver below. This is Ditloid Puzzle #203 out of 251 available and is P 10 by T B S.

Ditloid Quiz #203

P 10 by T B S


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